I've decided to start sharing things that I have heard about that are insanely weird and wonderful...
to begin, one of my favorite stories is the one about the Mojave phone booth, which no longer exists but the story is amazing.

This phone booth was set up in the middle of the desert in the 1960's so that local miners could use it if they needed to. It was hardly ever used until 1997, when some dude visited the booth and gave the number to an underground magazine, which then lead to the internet and so on...
People would be camping in the middle of nowhere and they would hear the phone ring and answer it, some people would camp next to it waiting for it to ring just to talk to strangers. I saw a short documentary on said phone booth a really long time ago where people had recorded their conversations. I think some people even got like, married or something after speaking on the phone.
Pacific Bell got rid of the booth in 2000.
R.I.P phone booth.
pretty cool story. something thats not so appealing to us these days (when's the last time you used a phone booth, how much do they even cost!? idk!)
anyways, there ya go!